Qualified Male Teachers - Online Quran Course

Qualified Male Teachers

Male Scholar & Hafiz Teachers

Islam’s emphasis on education is well-known, with the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) reportedly having said “Seek education, even if you have to go to China.” Although most of us have access to great educational institutes, these institutes hardly focus on providing Islamic education at par with international standards. SISPN Academy aims to bridge that gap by connecting you with our best male Quran teachers. Our Islamic educationists are well-versed in all matters of religious importance and are trained to be the best guides to children who are just starting to learn about Islam or the Holy Quran or adults who are seeking to advance their Islamic Knowledge or Quran reading to a higher level.The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), regarding teaching Quran, said, “The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Holy Quran and teach it.” This hadith highlights the importance that Islam puts on teaching and learning the Quran and our Deen. Therefore, the ideal teacher should also be religious and have proper religious education, the teacher should also have some experience in children’s education. They should realize their critical role in conveying the Deen of Islam and the words of Allah (SWT) to the younger generation. While hiring male Quran teachers, OnlineQuranCourse.com makes sure that the Male Quran teachers are Ullema (scholars) or Huffaz (Hafiz), have a profound knowledge of Tajweed, have a degree in religious education, and have Ijaza (Permission) to teach the Holy Quran or Islamic Education, and can speak our required languages (Arabic, English, and Urdu.) OnlineQuranCourse.com also makes sure that the Male Quran teachers possess a good character, are tolerant and patient. After ensuring that the candidate has all the required qualities, our Online Quran teachers are recruited, after which they are given thorough training for three months. Upon the completion of the required training, an exam is conducted after succeeding in which they are allowed to teach Quran or Islamic education Online. Moving forward, our Quality Assurance team constantly evaluates their performance and guides them in order to help them improve continuously. We are very grateful to Allah for helping us to become the best Islamic and Quran Teaching Academy and for giving us the opportunity and ability to provide excellent services for years. 
Male teacher

Necessary Teaching Requirements

After an interview, while selecting the teachers for the three-month special Online-Teaching training, their personality and character are satisfied and the degree and previous teaching experience are verified. As mentioned Islamic teaching is a very important responsibility considering this responsibility Quranic Arabic and Islamic teachers with the above-mentioned qualifications are eligible to apply for online teaching at OnlineQuranCourse.com

خیرکم من تعلم القرآن وعلمہ