The Holy Quran Says. “O You who believe, when the call is made of Salah on Friday, hasten towards the remembrance of Allah.. ” (62:09)
Most religions have a special day of prayer in the week. The Jews celebrate Saturday and the Christians celebrate Sunday as their holy day of prayer. Allah Almighty has given us Friday as our special Day where Muslims from different places gather to perform the Jummah salah.
It is a day which shows the unity of the Muslims and wherein Muslims enjoy the special mercy of Allah.
1. It is Sunnah to bath and cut your nails on a Friday.
2. Wear clean clothes and apply itr (Perfume)
3. Brush your teeth before going to the Masjid.
4. Perform wudhu at home.
5. Go to the Masjid as early as possible.
6. It is advisable to read Surah Kahf on Fridays.
7. Make duaa and send salawaat (Durood) upon Nabee صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم.
8. Listen to the lecture attentively.
9. Do not talk or read salah while the Imaam is giving the Khutbah.
10. Do not rush out of the Masjid- Read your Sunnah salah before leaving the Masjid.