It is essential for all Muslims, regardless of their gender, to gain knowledge of the Holy Quran and the teachings of Islam. To fulfil this obligation, many Muslim brothers and sisters have enrolled in and continuously enrolling. The platform has a strong commitment to addressing the religious needs of Muslim sisters and daughters and has implemented an exceptional system of female Quran Teachers. This initiative aims to facilitate the practical application of Islamic teachings and establish an environment of Islamic values and excellence specifically designed for Muslim Sisters and Daughters. With proficient female Quran Teachers, Muslim sisters can discuss their religious issues with ease and receive Quranic and Islamic education online at their homes and at their convenience.
In creating the exceptional system of female Quran Teachers and guiding the teachers under it, much care has been taken as teaching the Holy Quran and Islam is one of the major responsibilities and teaching it to Muslim sisters is even more responsibility because Muslim sisters take the lead in teaching what they learn.
With due consideration to these factors, places paramount importance on the selection of female Quran teachers. It is imperative that female Quran teachers not only possess religious qualifications but are also well-versed in matters of faith and religious instruction. as well as have good teaching experience in children’s education and also have good experience teaching the Holy Quran online with a strong belief in their critical role in conveying Deen Islam and the words of Allah (SWT) to students. While hiring female Quran teachers, makes sure and takes care that the female Quran teachers are Alimaat (scholars) or Huffaz(Hafizah), have a profound knowledge of Tajweed, have a degree in religious education and have (Ijaza) permission to teach, and can speak our required languages Arabic, English or Urdu and also makes sure that female Quran Teachers have good character as well as tolerant and patient. After ensuring the above matters, Female Quran teachers are recruited, after which they are given thorough training for three months after that practice is conducted and then there is an examination in which after success they are allowed to teach. Even after this, the quality team of our organization continuously guides them to improve and make sure of quality.

Necessary Teaching Requirements: Female Quran Teachers
- Must possess the following qualifications: Alimah , Hafizah, Qariah, and proficiency in Tajweed.
- Must have graduated from a well-known Islamic University.
- Must have excellent tajweed and recitation skills.
- Must have previous experience of Quran/Tajweed and Deen and Have Ijaza.
- Have completed our structured online-teaching course and have completed practice under team supervision.
- Must have received permission to begin Online-teaching from the QCD (Quality Control Department).
- Must be polite, Patient and have strong morals and attitude.
- Must have excellent communications skills.
- Must have Good enough English-speaking skills.
After an interview, while selecting the teachers for the three-month special Online-Teaching training, their personality and character are satisfied and the degree and previous teaching experience are verified. As mentioned Islamic teaching is a very important responsibility considering this responsibility Quranic Arabic and Islamic teachers with the above-mentioned qualifications are eligible to apply for online teaching at