The Quran
September 30, 2018Sharing is caring, Share your belongings with others
October 3, 2018 Muhammad ﷺ
The Quraan says “Muhammad ﷺ is not the father of any one of your men, but he is Allaah’s messenger and the seal of all Prophets.
Muhammad ﷺ was the last and final prophet sent to the whole of humanity. He is the noblest of all prophets, who came to perfect and complete
the message of the previous prophets.He came as a mercy unto mankind and freed man from superstition, and oppression. The teachings of Prophet ﷺ are known as the
Sunnah. Just as it is compulsory to follow the
Quraan, it is likewise compulsory to follow the Sunnah. We can not obey Allaah without following the Sunnah of Prophet ﷺ.
- Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is Allaah Almighty’s most beloved servant and messenger.
- He ﷺ was the noblest of all human beings.
- Prophet’s ﷺ teachings explain the laws of the Quraan. The Quraan, therefore, can not be understood without the Sunnah.
- He ﷺ was the most knowledgeable of all Prophets. He was given information about certain aspects of the Unseen but only Allaah Almighty is the knower of All the Unseen (عالم الغیب).
- He ﷺ split the moon into two, sometimes trees greeted him and animals spoke to him. Allaah Almighty granted him the most number of miracles.
- He ﷺ went on Meraaj by the command of Allaah Almighty, with both body and soul.
- He ﷺ was the kindest, most generous and most concerned of all human beings. He possessed the most virtuous character.
- He will intercede for the sinful Muslims on the day of Qiyaamah (judgment/hereafter) by Allaah’s permission.
- He could not read and write, nor did he have any teacher, He ﷺ was taught by Allaah Almighty.

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[…] he shares the pain of that person and opens his heart by generously sharing his possessions. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said,” The entire creation is the family of Allaah and the most beloved of creation to […]