Guidance Towards Good
To urge others to goodness is also an act of great merit. If someone agrees to do good due to another mains efforts, both shall earn equal merits and reward.
Abu Mas’ud Ansari relates that our eternally blessed Prphet (sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam) has said “One who guides another to goodness shall earn as much merit as the doer of the good deed’ (Sahih Muslim)
If the guidance towards good is in the form of a collective effort,i.e. many persons are guided and consequently do good, the reward of the good deeds of all goes to the guide also ( in addition to the rewards dua to actual doers).
Abu Hurairah recounts that our Prophet (sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam) said:-
من دعا الی ھدََی کان لہ من الاجر مثل اجور من تبعہ ، لاینقص ذالک من اجورھم شیئا، ومن دعا الی ضلالۃ کان علیہ من الاثم مثل اثام من تبعہ لاینقص ذالک من آثامھم شیئا
“One who calls others to the right path of good deeds gets as much merits as those who act upon his guidance, and the merits of the doers are not reduced thereby. And one who calls others to do wrong sins as much as the collective sins of those who follow him in sinning and their sins shall not be reduced at all”.(Sahih Muslim).
While merit is vouchsafed when others respond to guidance, the very act of guidance to good,whether responded to or not, is one of great merit because hadith tells us that:-
امرُُ بالمعروف صدقۃُُ، ونھیُُ عن المنکر صدقۃُُ
“Giving order to do good is a form of Sadaqah and stopping (someone) from going evil is also a form of Sadaqah (Sahih Muslim).
Hence no opportunity of giving good advice to and guiding others should be lost, but care should be taken to adopt a method for this which is not insulting or irksome to the other man. One should not criticize others in public nor should one adopt an overbearing and proud stance; advice should be given in privacy and in a soft tone showing one’s sympathy and commiseration; hence one should choose a time for advice when the hearer is not worried. Wisdom should be exercised in this and intent should be of doing good, since the Quran Says:
ادعُ الیٰ سبیلِ ربکَ بالحکمۃ والموعظۃ الحسنۃ