Namaz / Salah means Prayer.which is the specific way of Worship

Prayer , Salah , Namaz

Salah (Prayer) Wipes away sins

Salah (Prayer) Wipes away sins:


Salah is also a means of wiping away sins. Allah سبحانہ و تعالی says ” Establish Salah (prayer) at the two ends of the day and in the early hours of the night. Indeed, good deeds wipes away sins. 
This is a reminder for those who take heed.” some commentators have explained that ‘good deeds’ in this verse refers to the five daily prayers, while others said that it includes all good deeds. 
The Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم  said, ” Five times Salah, one Jumma to another, and one Ramadan to the other, will compensate for the actions between them, so long as one avoids major sins. 

In another Hadith, the Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم said to his companions, “Shall i not inform you about those things that will wipe away your sins and increase your rank?” They replied, “Of course, O Messenger of Allah. ” He replied, ” To perform complete wudhu in the face of hardship, to increase one’s steps to the Masjid, and to look forward to the next Salah after completing the previous one. That, beyond doubt, is [a form of] ribat [guarding the Muslims from enemy attacks].” 

By performing wudhu properly, the sins fall off from different parts of the body: the sins of they eyes fall off by washing the face: the sins committed by the hands fall off by washing the hands; and the sins which the feet walked towards fall off by washing the feet.
The Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم said, “Whoever performs wudhu and performs it well, his sins leave from his body, until even from under his fingernails.”
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