Best Online Tajweed Course - Learn Tajweed Online for Adults

Tajweed Course

Tajweed Course

Tajweed literally means “to make well, make better, improve” it refers to the rules governing pronunciation during the recitation of the Quran. This Online Tajweed Course is specially designed for those who have already learned to read Arabic, or have just completed the basic Arabic Alphabets (Qaida) course. In this course, we teach the rules of Quran recitation along with practical implementation while teaching which enables the student to recite the Quran with good pronunciation. If you don’t know the Basic Alphabets or are unable to read the Arabic letters then you should try the “Basic Alphabets (Qaida) Course” first.

“In this Course We learn Tajweed, tone and Qirat while covering the following things”

					☆ The Arabic Alphabets
★ Aswaat.(Sounds)
☆ Shaps of letters
★ Combine letters and joining rules
☆ Harakaat.(Vowel signs)short/long
★ Tanween
☆ Sukoon/Jazm.(Joining rules)
★ Tashdeed/Mushaddat
☆ Qalqalah
★ Madd E Asli
☆ Huroof E Leen
★ Madd Al-Farie
★ Huroof E Muqata'at
					☆ Ahkam E Noon Sakinah & Tanween
★ Izhaar
☆ Ikhfaa
★ Iqlab
☆ Idgham
★ Ahkam E Meem Sakin
☆ Rule of Raa, Laam & Alif
★ Silent Letters
☆ Rasmul Khat
★ Hamzah Wasli
☆ Noon E Qutni
★ Rules of Waqf
☆ Adab of Reading Quran

خیرکم من تعلم القرآن وعلمہ